Making a decision to treat your addiction is never easy. The patient and his / her relatives must choose the best form and place to undergo therapy. Depending on what is agreed, the actions taken may produce better or worse results. The fight against addiction should be decisive and take place on several levels at the same time – then you can expect the best results. Therefore, closed treatment centers are most effective in treating addictions. For several weeks, the patient remains in the best hands of specialists who choose the best comprehensive methods, individually to the addict.
How to choose a private addiction center?
It is worth starting your search for the best private addiction treatment center with checking the Register of Entities Performing Medicinal Activities. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the facilities located there guarantee legality, fulfillment of all requirements and reliability of the staff. In this way, cooperation with a dishonest and incompetent entity can be avoided. Addiction therapists, doctors, nurses and psychologists employed in the center should have appropriate qualifications and certificates. It is also worth finding out to what extent specialists are available to patients and whether they systematically undergo supervision. Staff is the most important part of addiction therapy, so it’s a good idea to read all the details about the staff.
The scope of treatment offered by a given center and program is very important. Each addiction should have its own program, which is additionally supervised by the supervisor. The duration of the treatment is equally important. It must take a certain amount of time to be really effective. Although patients want the therapy to last as short as possible, the minimum stay in the center is from six to eight weeks, although of course it is a very individual matter.
It is good if the center has the possibility to perform laboratory tests, as well as psychiatric and psychological tests. It is on their basis that it will be possible to make a correct and accurate diagnosis. An additional advantage in the case of people addicted to psychoactive substances is the possibility of detoxification. Thanks to it, you can safely and effectively cleanse the body of all toxins and provide it with the necessary micronutrients.
Price is also a factor that is usually taken into account at the beginning. However, this should not be a decisive element, because when deciding on the cheapest resort, you have to take into account that not everything will meet the basic standards. The price in such places can usually be reduced due to the low standard or lack of qualified staff.
Private addiction treatment center – what else should you pay attention to?
After initially narrowing down the number of facilities to choose from, it is worth looking for opinions about them. Ratings on Google will be useful, as well as reviews from social media such as Facebook. The atmosphere in the center is important, it should foster a sense of security and openness to others. The environment should also help in distancing yourself from everyday life and looking at problems from a completely different angle. Aspects such as social conditions and food are also important. People who follow special diets should also make sure that the kitchen in the facility is able to provide adequate food. It is good when, in addition to therapeutic activities, the center also offers attractions for spending free time. These can be sports or artistic activities, an extensive library or other activities supporting the development of interests.
Wybór prywatnego ośrodka leczenia uzależnień nie jest prosty. Nie tylko samo podjęcie decyzji, co do najlepszej placówki, ale i sam fakt pobytu może być stresujący dla chorego. Ważne, żeby pacjent z możliwie jak najbardziej pozytywnym nastawieniem podchodził do wyjazdu. Będą to tygodnie pełne pracy i wyzwań, jednak miła atmosfera, piękna okolica, sprzyjające warunki atmosferyczne i nowe znajomości to czynniki, które powinny wzbudzać również podekscytowanie i radość. Nie zawsze będzie łatwo, jednak po zakończonym turnusie z pewnością każdy doceni nawet najmniejszy trud włożony w powrót do zdrowia.
One of the centers listed in the Register of Healthcare Entities, offering the highest level of care and personnel qualifications, is based in Zawady, near Częstochowa. SOZO Island is a private facility, located in a picturesque area. It offers comprehensive addiction treatment, detoxification and motivational stays. In addition to traditional therapeutic methods, patients can also take advantage of a wide range of recreational activities, strength training and take part in sightseeing tours. The facility has a proprietary therapeutic program that has been successful for many patients. The accommodation conditions are at the highest level, and the meals are tasty and healthy. The prevailing atmosphere is conducive to making new friends, relaxing, and also adds motivation and willingness to act.